Trick, bug or scam at the Pokerstars Casino Races
I wanna show you the results of the last daily Pokerstars Casino Races. In this races the scores are based on the multiplier of the bet (1000 point on 10x win) 100 consecutive spins, not depending of the stake, so theoretically everyone should have a chance to win this races.
Since April they introduced a 10.000 max points limit/spin to "help negate the advantage players with more money", but since then there are the same users in the TOP 10 of the races every and every day. Look at "5.0.", "K.E.", "S.-.", "L.A.", "O.F.", "S.P.", "S.I."... users, they are winning every day. With the new rule a 45.000 score should be the best or at least in TOP3, excluding this players, but look at their scores. THE OTHER PLAYERS DOESN’T HAVE ANY CHANCE! IS THIS FAIR?
I’ve sent a lots of email to Stars support, but they say that the scores are correctly win. There was other bugs in the races in the past but were solved in just few days. This one is running for 2 months.
What do you think it is? A Bug, a trick, a scam or an intended bug left for some pokerstars "close" users? Is this fair?
If you want to try find the bug I give you a hint: all scores are 5 multiplier and there are just few games where you can win 5 points. I didnt find it by I wish good luck to you!
I think that there is a single game they are playing, and Stars don’t want to remove it and solve this problem.
#1 L.A. 139,665 $1K
#2 5.0. 89,555 $750
#3 F.R. 85,090 $600
#4 B.R. 84,360 $500
#5 E.N. 83,145 $450
#6 L.I. 55,195 $400
#7 A.L. 52,710 $375
#8 S.-. 49,155 $350
#1 L.A. 119,005 $1K
#2 S.P. 81,945 $750
#3 F.R. 80,610 $600
#4 A.L. 79,015 $500
#5 S.-. 78,830 $450
#6 B.R. 67,740 $400
#7 S.I. 66,695 $375
#8 5.0. 66,595 $350
#9 K.E. 61,706 $325
#10 O.F. 58,301 $300
#11 L.I. 56,810 $275
#12 A.I. 54,085 $250
#13 E.N. 51,050 $225
#14 D.U. 48,300 $200
#1 K.E. 126,181 $1K
#2 O.F. 100,480 $750
#3 G.E. 100,080 $600
#4 S.I. 85,175 $500
#5 D.U. 68,670 $450
#6 S.P. 68,660 $400
#7 A.L. 61,530 $375
#8 E.N. 53,100 $350
#9 A.D. 50,355 $325
#10 A.I. 49,615 $300
#11 D.I. 45,560 $275
#12 5.0. 45,420 $250
#1 5.0. 133,535 $1K
#2 D.U. 96,030 $750
#3 B.R. 92,080 $600
#4 K.E. 73,473 $500
#5 G.E. 72,250 $450
#6 A.I. 67,975 $400
#7 R.U. 66,725 $375
#8 S.P. 66,280 $350
#9 A.L. 62,375 $325
#10 S.I. 59,605 $300
#11 T.U. 53,530 $275
#12 E.N. 49,755 $250
#1 K.E. 119,280 $1K
#2 B.R. 118,315 $750
#3 L.I. 115,510 $600
#4 C.H. 98,010 $500
#5 S.-. 93,755 $450
#6 E.N. 88,675 $400
#7 S.P. 87,225 $375
#8 L.A. 81,240 $350
#9 A.I. 80,340 $325
#10 5.0. 77,895 $300
#11 D.U. 70,710 $275
#12 A.D. 63,435 $250
#13 G.E. 63,255 $225
#14 O.F. 57,140 $200
#15 A.L. 52,875 $190
#16 T.U. 48,710 $180
#17 S.I. 47,725 $170
#1 O.F. 111,835 $1K
#2 L.I. 110,145 $750
#3 G.E. 99,250 $600
#4 L.A. 80,945 $500
#5 C.H. 78,195 $450
#6 S.-. 74,280 $400
#7 A.L. 72,910 $375
#8 A.D. 71,985 $350
#9 S.P. 69,400 $325
#10 B.R. 65,685 $300
#11 5.0. 61,115 $275
#12 K.E. 60,935 $250
#13 X.V. 47,550 $225
#1 S.P. 139.245 $1K
#2 B.A. 117.500 $750
#3 L.A. 110.330 $600
#4 S.-. 99.710 $500
#5 C.H. 94.520 $450
#6 K.E. 93.165 $400
#7 L.I. 79.000 $375
#8 O.F. 78.865 $350
#9 A.I. 78.345 $325
#10 G.E. 78.210 $300
#11 5.0. 76.380 $275
#12 A.D. 70.770 $250
#13 B.R. 60.165 $225
#14 E.N. 57.885 $200
#15 D.U. 55.990
#1 S.-. 157.140 $1K
#2 2.F. 143.255 $750
#3 C.H. 115.120 $600
#4 K.E. 101.940 $500
#5 E.N. 97.295 $450
#6 O.F. 84.660 $400
#7 L.I. 84.655 $375
#8 B.A. 78.785 $350
#9 A.D. 65.245 $325
#10 D.U. 64.740 $300
#11 T.U. 63.250 $275
#12 A.L. 62.805 $250
#13 5.0. 61.680 $225
#14 S.P. 61.245 $200
#15 G.E. 60.690 $190
#16 A.I. 51.805 $180
#17 S.I. 51.275
#1 D.U. 90,540 $1K
#2 A.I. 67,955 $750
#3 A.D. 66,780 $600
#4 A.L. 59,015 $500
#5 E.N. 58,080 $450
#6 S.P. 54,035 $400
#7 G.E. 49,925 $375
#8 5.0. 47,000 $350
#9 T.U. 42,595 $325
#10 T.H. 41,735 $300
#1 K.E. 96,425 $1K
#2 5.0. 94,760 $750
#3 B.A. 74,655 $600
#4 O.F. 68,350 $500
#5 S.P. 61,460 $450
#6 A.I. 60,330 $400
#7 S.I. 55,855 $375
#8 T.U. 47,725 $350
#9 E.N. 47,515 $325
#10 L.E. 41,100 $300